Your underwear says more about you than any other part of your outfit. Let’s understand how.
When you dress, a part of it is always to impress others. Yes, yes, it’s understandable that a lot of you will vehemently oppose this statement, because ‘bro, I only dress for myself and I don’t need to impress no one!’ But just hear me out.
The ‘impressing others’ bit is essentially subjective, and varies from individual to individual. Some may have only that in mind while dressing, while some don’t quite care about that bit as much – but an element of it is always at play whenever you dress.
This, however, is not true in case of underwear. You don’t wear your underwear to impress others (unless you’re going for a date or hooking up, basically). Underwear is about comfort, and your personal style – something that has got nothing to do with impressing others. But then again, this facet is essentially multilayered and not as unidirectional and simple.
However, your go-to choice in terms of underwear can reveal more about your sex life that you imagined. Let’s take a look:
1. Boxers
Boxers are perhaps the most comfortable type of underwear out there. Relaxed, breathable, allows breeze (yay!) – basically a 10/10 on the comfort scale. It would seem that everyone would wear only them, and nothing else, right? Wrong. A lot of men don’t like wearing boxers despite the numerous pros. Here’s why.
If you’re a boxer man, you don’t care about how you look. Okay, that probably isn’t a 100% true because all of us do in varying degrees, but your score on the vanity indulgence scale is pretty low. Also, you’re not obsessed with your physique. You might work out, but you’re not the ‘sun’s out gun’s out’ type by a long shot. You don’t care that a pair of boxers is getting all bunched up inside your baggy jeans and messing up your butt shape.
In the bedroom, you’re a little shy to start with, but once the initial phase of awkwardness (if at all) is over, you take charge. You’re not passive at all, and you clearly know what you want in bed. This confidence is what your partner finds ‘hot’, because in a social setting, you’re the quintessential ‘cool’ guy who’s entertaining everyone else with his puns and wisecracks, so when things get uncharacteristically kinky in the boudoir, your partner’s gasping for breath (literally, sometimes, if you know what I mean.)
2. Briefs
If you’re exclusively into briefs, you definitely care about your appearance – with or without clothes. There is a good chance that you lift, or want to build muscles if you already don’t have a shredded physique. Comfort? Yes, you care about that too, but keeping only your workouts in mind. To you, if it’s perfect option to work out in, it’s comfortable – and which type of underwear is the best for a mean lifting session? The kind that supports your balls – briefs, in other words.
You squat heavy and know you have a good butt and want to make sure the world (read, your SO or your crush) knows it too. And why not? You’re working hard for it. ‘Have it, flaunt it’ is not a flawed ideology by any means.
In the bedroom, you like to make sure they know you’re well equipped to give competition to Adonis (even if that’s strictly in your head). Come on, you do push ups before taking your shirt off, don’t you? (wink)
For you, the appeal is in knowing that they desire you and want to do it with you, because you’re irresistible. This knowledge turns you on more than even perhaps your partner’s appearance. Narcissistic? Hell yes, but that’s not a bad thing at all! Oh, and you hate boxers. On second thoughts, you probably wear boxers on your cheat day, when you’re all by yourself, with a huge plate of biryani and Netflix.
3. Trunks
You’re like Switzerland. You make the middle ground between the extremes. You like to keep fit, but you’re pretty flexible in your approach to that. You don’t care about the fact that your trunks will be bunched up while you do squats in the gym. You like dressing in formals. You want to ask your date out for a nice dinner first, the traditional way. That’s most of you, anyway. The rest of you are freaks of nature, which is a blessing for your partners in the bedroom tbh.
You’re that ‘seedha’, often bespectacled corporate dude who goes to work in a pressed white shirt and grey trousers, but is not against doing a striptease for his SO after two shots of vodka.
You’re a family man that the parents approve of, but is a savage thug in the sheets (in a very good way). That is what makes you intriguing to your partner.
Some of you are into heavy ass workouts, and rely mostly on body conditioning exercises like Yoga. You’re not a show off, but don’t mind to flash unexpectedly inside the bedroom, to your partner’s absolute surprise – and delight.
4. Thongs
You’re a freak. You possess inimitable confidence about your body – irrespective of whether or not it’s sculpted. It’s extremely likely that you are into kinkier stuff, as compared to most people. You don’t mind your partner taking charge – in fact, you enjoy being objectified in the bedroom. It’s very likely that you’d wear a mundane pair of ill-fitting formal trousers , and when your partner gives you that uninterested look – bam! Out comes the buns.
Your approach to sex is crazy, freaky, and uninhibited, and you have no qualms about it. In an alternate universe, you work in a strip club as a top grade stripper, and are super rich.